Youth and Young Adult Ministry


Our goal at Rolling Hills is to create a place where ALL YOUTH are encouraged to be themselves, to love others, to ask questions, to explore their relationship with God, and to be appreciated just as they are.

We gather weekly and would LOVE for you to join us! Bring a friend, if you’d like!

Youth ages 6th-12th grades begin their Sunday mornings at 10am in worship and are dismissed to Sunday School during the worship service (except for the 1st Sunday of the month where youth stay in worship to take communion.)

Summer 2025 our youth will have opportunities to spend quality time together away from our church building. Our middle school youth (completed 5th grade - completed 8th grade) will head to Camp Tomah Shinga in June and our high school youth (completed 8th grade - completed 12th grade) are headed to Colorado Springs in July for their annual service trip.

Stay Informed!

Youth GroupMe

We have GroupME groups for RH Youth. Weekly emails are sent, but we also use the GroupMe app to communicate reminders about events and any changes or additions that are happening. The groups are open to students and parents, and can be joined here:

RH Middle School GroupMe

RH High School GroupMe

Please join the group(s) soon, so you don’t miss out!

Here’s how, if you need help downloading the app.


(All 8th graders)

At the end of the process, your Confirmand will be a MEMBER of Rolling Hills! That’s why we make a serious attempt to give our Confirmands as much info as possible through the process. We encourage critical thinking and want our Confirmands to start forming their own theology. There won’t be too much homework—mostly practical ways we can live out our faith each week. There will be one paper due at the end of the process called the Statement of Faith and we will work on those together and have easy ways to make that project less daunting.

As part of our class expectations, each Confirmand will:

  1. Attend as many confirmation classes as possible—and study anything that was missed

  2. Make coming to confirmation a priority. We understand that there are some sports and activities that keep you away from church on a Sunday morning, and that’s okay, just try your best to be here unless it’s critical that you can’t - make sure to let us know if you can’t attend.

  3. Attend worship at 10am with their peers

  4. Have a willing spirit to learn and have fun!

Confirmation class meets at 9:15am in the Jr. High Youth Room on Sunday mornings.